
Showing posts from February, 2014

A Tree & a Bonsai

I, a Bonsai?  O’ dear sweet li’l kid Am told you’re the one god lives in Or is it godliness?  Whatever,  Everyone says you are god’s gift  The believers & followers of god  should then be respecting you for what you are For the joys you bring For the liberty you symbolize  And for the purity that you embody With no biases No preconceptions No prejudices  And no ill wills  Born in a free society So you are told How then did i become a conformist You wonder when as you grow old The truth, my child Is that your...

Open letter to Arnab `Go-Swamy'

Hey Arnab, Hope this letter finds you shouting, yelling & sermonizing in the name of `fearless’ journalism and scolding your panelists and poodles (`independent', `reputed' journalists who must agree with you & help you get out of a tricky & sticky situation where you can't admonish your subjects in your typical style, if they have to get their pay-cheques released). There is one thing that THE NATION CAME TO KNOW yesterday- That Arnab Goswami is an empty vessel that only makes LOUD, IRRITATING NOISES all the time. Yeah, I am talking about your cowardly act of making noise on ‪#‎RILGasScam‬ or ‪#‎AstonMartinCrash‬ and a total black-out of this most newsy development of our times! You find #‎USWoosModi‬ newsworthy and worthy enough to open your NOISEHOUR with this lame topic. Taking pity on you, I have conjured up some better `Noisehour’ `shout & scream’ topics. Arnab, the nation wants to know (am shouting while writing this)- 1. Why no Indian woman ...

Will You Ever Win this Race?

Hey Mr. Smarty Pants, O' You Guy `In Control',  Feel like slowing down or even stopping to enjoy all the good things that you see around. What's the point of remaining so busy that you don't have the bandwidth to relish what deserves to be enjoyed? But what'll happen if I slow down or stop? The other guys would race past me. They'll make it bigger in life than me. They'll have bigger bank balances, bigger cars, larger homes & king- size attitudes They'll go on more exotic holidays. They may get to supersede me in the next round of promotions. My company may even sack me. What a downer that'll be. Even though I have more than enough money, To spend the rest of my life with my honey, How will I spend the remaining years, As I know nothing beyond my cubicle, my laptop, my tablet and my 3G dongle, I am a lion of this jungle. No, I can't afford to stop running, No, I don't ...